How Our Firm Serves You

All searches are performed by a live agent who has the training and good judgment to use reason and creativity to locate, verify, and interpret case information.

NCI respects the privacy of the information we collect and distribute to our customers. We comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and with all federal and state requirements for obtaining reports.

Established in 1996 as a Premier Employment Screening and Private Investigations Company, offering access to confidential information, and doing things others are not permitted to do.
Why do you need an effective background check?
The Exclusive 13-Point Background Screening Process is Here> Let’s Get Started!

A Comprehensive Misconduct Search provides certainty regarding who to hire and who to trust. This flat rate search (unlimited aka’s and dates of birth in every relevant county) researches Criminal, Civil, State, County, Federal, Sex Offender, Civil Harassment, Misconduct Indexes, and Warrant Records. Reduce risk by starting with the right candidates and continue safe conditions with bi-annual re-checks to identify issues that may arise.
Ready to do it differently? Call us at 888.638.2532 or Email us at info@netcheckpi.com
“Good decisions start with great information”
California P.I. License No. 21529